Grandma Lucy Dog Food Review 2024

Choosing the right dog food can be a challenge for many pet owners. Grandma Lucy's Dog Food stands out with its high-quality ingredients and freeze-dried options. This review will guide you through everything from product analysis to customer feedback, helping you make an informed decision for your furry friend. Discover why Grandma Lucy’s could be your top choice:

Grandma Lucy’s Dog Food: A 5-star Rating Analysis

Grandma Lucy’s dog food reviews often highlight the brand’s use of named meats as a major plus. Their Artisan Dog Food scores big with its grain-free and freeze-dried formula, winning over dogs with flavors like chicken, and garners praise for its ingredient quality score of 6 and safety score of 8.

The high-quality freeze-dried formula in Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance dog food stands out, too. It is especially noted for featuring single proteins and chickpeas. This dedication to quality ingredients brings Grandma Lucy’s into the spotlight for expert and user reviews alike.

Customers love Grandma Lucy’s for its focus on high-quality, named animal proteins.

With an emphasis on grain-free options that resonate well within pet owner forums such as Reddit discussions regarding Lucy dog food review or Grandma Lucy’s Pureformance dog food reviews, it becomes clear this brand takes its commitment to pet health seriously.

Exploring customer experiences next will give further insight into how these premium ingredients translate into real-world benefits for our furry friends.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Transitioning from an analytical perspective of Grandma Lucy’s Dog Food ratings, customer reviews and testimonials offer a more personal insight into the brand’s impact on pet health and satisfaction.

Dog owners frequently share their experiences online, highlighting the significant benefits they’ve noticed in their pets since switching to Grandma Lucy’s options. Many praise Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food for its use of named meats as the primary protein source, contributing to healthier coats and improved energy levels in dogs.

Similarly, Grandma Lucy’s PureFormance Dog Food receives acclaim not just for its grain-free formula but also for incorporating high-quality freeze-dried single proteins that cater specifically to pets with sensitive stomachs.

Reddit threads dedicated to Grandma Lucy’s dog food review underscore the positive consensus among pet parents. Many point out how the chicken flavor of Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food becomes an instant favorite among finicky eaters.

Other testimonies focus on specific products, like Macanna Dog Food, where customers report noticeable improvements in their dogs’ enthusiasm for mealtime when served the chicken-flavored option.

The community discussions often stress the quality of Grandma Lucy’s dog food, emphasizing its role in providing a balanced diet without unnecessary fillers or allergens—making it a top choice for guardians seeking nutritious, appealing meals for their canine companions.

Best Grandma Lucy’s Dog Food of 2024

Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food

Grandma’s finest recipe

Natural, Grain-Free, and Nutrient-Rich Dog Food for All Life Stages.
Best Over

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  • All-natural, high-quality, freeze-dried dog food

  • Nutritionally balanced blend of chicken, fruits, vegetables, and herbs

  • Easy to prepare – just add warm water and let stand for 35 minutes

  • Made with highest quality USDA ingredients

  • Retains the characteristics of raw food through a low heat freeze – drying process

  • Formulated to meet nutritional levels for all life stages

Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food stands out as a top choice for pet owners who prioritize the health and happiness of their furry friends. This grain-free, freeze-dried artisan chicken formula takes the guesswork out of providing your dog with a nutritious meal that’s both delicious and easy to prepare. By simply adding warm water, you create a fresh, tasty meal that rivals homemade dishes in flavor and nutritional value. It’s perfect for dogs at all life stages, from playful puppies to senior companions, ensuring they receive vital nutrients tailored to their needs.

What sets this product apart is its commitment to quality ingredients without fillers or artificial preservatives. Using high-quality chicken free from added hormones or antibiotics speaks volumes about Grandma Lucy’s dedication to animal well-being and owner trust. The limited ingredient list supports dogs with allergies or sensitivities, making it an inclusive option for almost any dietary requirement.

Our decision to rank Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food as number one on our list was not made lightly. Its ease of preparation combined with comprehensive nutritional benefits places it ahead of competitors. Pairing the taste that dogs love with human-grade ingredients means your pet gets the best at every mealtime – a philosophy Grandma Lucy’s has championed since 1999. For loving dog owners seeking convenient yet uncompromisingly healthy food options, this product is a standout choice worth every penny.


  • Easy to prepare by simply adding water

  • Retains great taste, texture, and aroma through a low-heat freeze-drying process

  • Suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages

  • All-natural, grain-free recipe with no fillers or preservatives


  • Requires preparation time

  • Relatively higher cost compared to traditional dog food

  • Some dogs may need time to adjust to the texture

Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food is perfect for pet owners seeking a natural, high-quality, and convenient diet for their furry companion. Try it now and treat your dog to the wholesome nutrition it deserves.

Grandma Lucy’s PureFormance Dog Food

Powerhouse of nutrition

Nutritious and Convenient Grain-Free Dog Food for Vitality-conscious Pet Owners.
Runner Up

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  • Suitable for dogs of all life stages and breed sizes

  • Made with real chicken as the primary flavor

  • Easy to prepare by adding warm water and letting it stand for 3 – 5 minutes

  • Offers specific feeding instructions for puppies, average, active, and senior dogs based on their weight

  • Satisfaction guaranteed with a warranty description

  • Freeze-dried in the USA and presented in a convenient 10-pound pack

Grandma Lucy’s 844212 Pureformance Grain Free Chicken Food for Dogs has been a game-changer for many dog owners seeking high-quality, nutritious meals for their furry friends. This 10-pound bag of goodness combines the power of freeze-dried chicken with chickpeas, fruits, and vegetables to deliver a meal that’s not only tantalizing to your pup’s taste buds but also packed with essential nutrients. The simplicity of just adding water makes meal prep quick and easy without sacrificing quality or flavor. It caters to dogs at all life stages, making it a versatile choice for multi-dog households.

One notable benefit is the limited ingredient list that targets dogs with food sensitivities or allergies. By excluding grains, GMOs, fillers, and preservatives, Grandma Lucy’s ensures your dog is getting food as close to its natural diet as possible. The use of chickpeas as a main ingredient offers a low glycemic index option that helps maintain steady energy levels throughout the day—an aspect highly praised by active dog owners who’ve noticed significant improvements in their pets’ vitality and overall health.

Choosing Grandma Lucy’s PureFormance Dog Food as No. 2 on our list was based primarily on its balance between nutritional value and ease of preparation, alongside glowing feedback from pet parents about the positive impact on their dogs’ health and happiness. Its commitment to quality ingredients from trusted suppliers stands out in today’s market full of options. This product truly bridges the gap between convenience for the owner and optimal health benefits for their four-legged friends.


  • Easy to prepare – just add water and wait 3 – 5 minutes

  • Delicious taste retained through low heat freeze-drying process

  • Suitable for dogs of all ages and sizes

  • Quality ingredients with no fillers, by-products, GMOs, or preservatives


  • Requires additional preparation time

  • May be more expensive compared to traditional dog food options

  • Not suitable for dogs with specific dietary restrictions

Ideal for pet owners who prioritize the health and well-being of their furry companions, Grandma Lucy’s PureFormance Dog Food offers a convenient and nutritious solution. If you want to provide your dog with a high-quality, grain-free diet that supports their overall vitality, give Grandma Lucy’s a try today!

Artisan Lamb Dog Food

Luscious lamb

Wholesome Grain-Free Dog Food for All Their Nutrition Needs.
Best Flavors

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  • Freeze-dried lamb dog food for dogs of all breeds and sizes

  • Made with USDA lamb, it provides high-quality protein

  • Convenient flakes that are easy to store and use

  • Guaranteed satisfaction with careful storage instructions

  • All life stages formula suitable for puppies, adults, and seniors

  • Manufactured in the USA by Phillips Feed & Pet Supply

Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Lamb Dog Food raises the bar for pet nutrition and convenience, making it a deserving contender for the No. 3 spot on our list. This freeze-dried, grain-free meal combines high-quality ingredients with the ease of just adding water to provide a nourishing diet for dogs at any life stage. Its main ingredient, lamb raised without antibiotics, steroids, or added hormones, offers vital nutrients such as iron and zinc that bolster your dog’s immune system. The non-GMO formula caters especially well to pets with food allergies or sensitivities.

Dog owners will appreciate how simple it is to prepare this wholesome meal—just mix in warm water and wait a few minutes before serving up a delicious feast that rivals homemade dishes in taste and nutritional value. What sets Grandma Lucy’s apart is its dedication to using only the highest quality ingredients made right here in the USA. By choosing this product, you’re not just feeding your pet; you’re ensuring they get a balanced diet free from common allergens and fillers found in many commercial dog foods.

This review echoes countless stories from satisfied dog parents who have seen significant health improvements in their furry family members after switching to Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Lamb Dog Food. It stands out as an excellent choice for those seeking convenient yet uncompromisingly nutritious options for their dogs’ dietary needs.


  • Just Add Water: Easy preparation for a convenient and quick feeding routine

  • Quality You Can Trust: Ensures reliable nutrition and safety for your dog

  • Non-GMO: Provides peace of mind, knowing your dog’s food is free from genetically modified ingredients

  • Freeze-Dried: Preserves essential nutrients and flavor for a wholesome meal


  • Requires additional time for preparation

  • Relatively higher cost compared to some other dog food options

  • Limited availability in some areas

Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Lamb Dog Food is perfect for pet owners who value high-quality, natural ingredients and want to provide their furry friends with a wholesome, grain-free diet. Try it today and give your dog the nutrition they deserve.

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food


Premium, Grain-Free Dog Food Packed with Natural, Healthy Ingredients.
Most Popular

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  • Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food is a freeze-dried pre-mix dog food formulated for adult dogs of all breed sizes

  • Designed to provide allergy relief and is made with high-quality, whole food ingredients

  • Gentle freeze-drying process removes 92% of the water content, leaving a lightweight, compact, shelf-stable, and preservative-free food

  • Easy to prepare by simply adding water, mixing, and serving after 3 – 5 minutes

  • Made in the USA with care instructions to store in a cool, dry place

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food stands out as a premium, grain-free, and freeze-dried option that prioritizes your dog’s health and taste preferences. This 3lb bag pre-mix requires just a simple addition of water, making meal prep both quick and easy for dog owners on the go. The unique formula brings together superfoods like hemp hearts, coconut, kale, and more to offer not only a feast for your pup but also a multitude of health benefits. Hemp hearts are especially notable for being highly nutritious without common allergens, perfect for dogs with sensitive diets.

Many users have shared stories of their dogs showing improved energy levels and healthier coats after switching to this food mix. The inclusion of ingredients such as turmeric spice aids in digestion while promoting joint and skin health—providing an all-around boost to your pet’s well-being. What sets Grandma Lucy’s apart is its commitment to using limited ingredients without fillers or GMOs, thus ensuring that each bowl is packed full of nutrients. For those seeking a balanced diet that caters to all life stages, according to the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles, this product checks off every box while pampering your pet with delicious flavors they will love.


  • Easy to prepare by just adding water

  • Retains great taste, texture, and aroma through the freeze-drying process

  • Allows for customization with desired protein source

  • Made with all-natural, limited ingredients, including superfoods like hemp hearts and coconut


  • Can be more costly compared to traditional dog food

  • May require extra effort to prepare due to the need to add water and mix with protein

  • Some dogs may not like the taste or texture

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food is perfect for health-conscious pet owners looking to provide their dogs with a premium, grain-free diet packed with quality, natural ingredients. Try it today and treat your furry friend to the best nutrition available.

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food

Keep pumping strong

Convenient Dog Food for Busy Households.
Best for Heart Health

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  • Freeze-dried grain-free fish recipe dog food

  • Suitable for all life stages and all breed sizes

  • Specifically formulated for heart health and allergy relief

  • Made with USDA Pollock

  • Easy to store in a cool, dry place

  • Produced in the USA

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food stands out in the crowded pet food market with its high-quality, grain-free, and freeze-dried formula. The choice of fish as a primary ingredient not only promises a meal your dog will love but also ensures they’re getting a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids known for supporting coat and skin health. What sets this dog food apart is its simplicity; just add water to create a fresh, moist meal that’s closer to natural canine diets. This feature speaks volumes about the brand’s dedication to providing nutritious options that cater to all life stages without compromising on taste or quality.

Dog owners looking for an all-natural option will appreciate the limited ingredients list free from fillers, GMOs, by-products, or preservatives. The inclusion of chickpeas offers a low-glycemic source of fiber, which is great for maintaining steady energy levels and supporting digestive health. Customers have shared stories of their dogs showing marked improvement in their vitality and overall well-being after switching to Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food. Plus, knowing it’s made by a family-owned business in California using ingredients suitable for humans adds another layer of trust. With every bag packed full of nature’s best offerings, like fruits and vegetables alongside delicious fish, this dog food aligns perfectly with what modern pet parents demand: quality nutrition that fuels their furry friends’ active lifestyles without any unwanted extras.


  • Easy to prepare by just adding water

  • Retains great taste, texture, and aroma through the freeze-drying process

  • Suitable for all life stages of dogs

  • Made with limited ingredients and free from fillers, by-products, GMOs, or preservatives


  • Preparation may take longer than with traditional kibble

  • Requires storage space for the 3 – pound bag

  • Some dogs may require time to adjust to a new diet

Ideal for pet owners seeking a nutritious, convenient, and flavorful dog food option for their furry companions. Try Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food and give your pup the high-quality nutrition they deserve.

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food

Ocean goodness

Nutrition-Packed Grain-Free Dog Food with Limited Ingredients.
Best Seafood

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  • Allergy relief formula for adult dogs

  • Frozen seafood flavor dog food

  • Suitable for all breed sizes

  • Made with salmon as the primary ingredient

  • Store in a cool, dry place

  • Product of the USA

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food revolutionizes mealtime for dogs with its grain-free, freeze-dried salmon recipe. This 3-lb bag of seafood goodness is not just about satisfying hunger; it’s about enriching your dog’s diet with superfoods like hemp hearts, coconut, and kale. Each scoop promises a balanced feast packed with omega fatty acids from wild-caught salmon to boost heart health and skin condition. Plus, the ease of preparing this nutritious blend—just add warm water and serve after a few minutes—makes it perfect for busy pet owners seeking quality meals for their furry friends.

Dog lovers can testify to the visible benefits observed in their pets: more energy, shinier coats, and improved digestion are just the tip of the iceberg. The addition of turmeric spice supports joint health, while blueberries amp up the immune defense. Whether you have a picky puppy or an older dog with dietary restrictions, Grandma Lucy’s has tailored this recipe to cater to all life stages without compromising on taste or nutritional value. As users mix each serving with love, they’re not just feeding their dogs but investing in their overall well-being—with Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food standing as a testament to what modern pet nutrition should look like.


  • Easy to prepare – just add water and let it stand for a few minutes

  • Great taste retained through low-heat freeze-drying process

  • Suitable for all life stages, providing essential nutrients

  • Made with high-quality superfoods like hemp hearts, coconut, and kale


  • Requires additional preparation time

  • Relatively higher price point

  • Limited flavor options

Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Dog Food is perfect for pet parents who prioritize healthy, grain-free meals for their furry companions. Try it today and give your dog the nutrition they deserve!

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Pre-Mix Dog Food

Rainbow nutrition

Yummy, Grain-Free Diet with Essential Nutrients for Your Furry Friend.
Best with Veg

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  • Suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages

  • Grain-free and freeze-dried for maximum nutrition

  • Made with chickpeas and fruit for natural flavor

  • Easy to store in a cool, dry place

  • Provides complete care instructions

  • Manufactured in the USA

Grandma Lucy PUREformance Pre-Mix Dog Food is a game-changer for pet owners looking to provide their dogs with a nutritious, tasty meal customized to their dietary needs. Its all-natural, grain-free formula features limited ingredients like freeze-dried fruits, vegetables, and chickpeas—ensuring no fillers, byproducts, GMOs, or preservatives make their way into your dog’s bowl. This not only champions health and well-being but also caters to pets with sensitivities or allergies. The preparation process couldn’t be simpler: add warm water, stir, and in just 3-5 minutes, you have a wholesome meal ready to serve.

One of the standout qualities of this pre-mix dog food is its flexibility in complementing any protein source you prefer – cooked or raw. It’s an ideal mix that enriches your pet’s diet with essential nutrients without compromising on taste or texture, thanks to the gentle freeze-drying process used. Dog owners will appreciate how Grandma Lucy’s focuses on creating high-quality meals that support slow energy release for consistent vitality throughout the day. Moreover, ingredients like flaxseed are included to promote healthy skin and a glossy coat, which are benefits every pet parent loves seeing in their furry companions.

Sharing anecdotes from satisfied customers highlights how dogs not only gobble down Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance mixture but also exhibit noticeable improvements in energy levels and overall health. Its dedication to quality since 1999, using whole-food ingredients from trusted suppliers made in the USA, ensures peace of mind for dog owners who want nothing but the best for their pets.


  • Quick and easy to prepare – just add water

  • Retains great taste, texture, and aroma through the freeze-drying process

  • Customizable with desired protein for a balanced diet

  • All-natural, grain-free recipe with no fillers or preservatives


  • Limited flavor variety may not suit all dogs

  • Requires additional protein to be added for a complete meal

  • Some dogs may need time to adjust to the new texture

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Pre-Mix Dog Food is perfect for dog owners who want to provide their furry friends with a wholesome, grain-free diet packed with essential nutrients. If you’re looking to give your pup the best, try it now!

Grandma Lucy PUREformance Dog Food with Rabbit

Wild morsels

Freeze-Dried Rabbit Dog Food: Natural and Nutritious!
Best Ingredients

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  • Made with USDA rabbit as the primary ingredient

  • Freeze-dried to retain nutrients and natural flavor

  • Grain-free recipe suitable for all breed sizes

  • Designed to support a healthy coat for adult dogs

  • Store in a cool, dry place for freshness

  • Manufactured in the USA by Phillips Feed & Pet Supply

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food with Rabbit offers a high-quality, freeze-dried option that caters to dogs of all life stages. Known for its selective use of premium ingredients such as rabbit, chickpeas, fruits, and vegetables, this grain-free formula stands out not just for what it includes but also for what it leaves out. No fillers, by-products, GMOs, or preservatives are found in this blend, making it an excellent choice for pet owners who prioritize natural and wholesome diets for their furry friends. The process of just adding water transforms the food into a tasty meal with the appealing texture and aroma dogs crave, ensuring mealtime is always eagerly anticipated.

The health benefits Grandma Lucy’s dog food provides can’t be overstated. From supporting energy levels through the slow release of energy from chickpeas to promoting a healthy digestive system thanks to its fiber content and limited ingredient list — each element serves a purpose tailored towards maintaining your dog’s well-being. Customers often share stories of how switching to Grandma Lucy’s has improved their pets’ vitality and even resolved some allergy issues, which were likely triggered by more common grains found in other dog foods. This commitment to quality and nutrition has built a loyal customer base that trusts in Grandma Lucy’s ability to offer not just food but also a path to better health for their pets.


  • Easy to prepare – just add water and wait 3-5 minutes

  • Delicious taste retained through low-heat freeze-drying process

  • Suitable for all life stages, ensuring complete nutrition for dogs of any age or size

  • All natural, grain-free recipe with no fillers, by-products, GMOs or preservatives


  • Preparation time may be longer compared to traditional kibble.

  • The initial cost might be higher than some other dog foods.

  • Limited availability in certain stores.

Grandma Lucy’s PUREformance Dog Food with Rabbit is perfect for pet owners who prioritize natural, high-quality ingredients and want to provide their dogs with a grain-free, freeze-dried diet. If you’re looking to give your pup a nutritious and delicious meal that’s easy to prepare, try Grandma Lucy’s today!

Grandma Lucy Singles Chicken Pet Treats

For the bestest boys and girls

The Ultimate Treats for After a Long Walk.
Best Treats

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  • Made with real chicken

  • Suitable for dogs of all breed sizes and life stages

  • Frozen for freshness

  • Single-ingredient treat

  • Store in a cool, dry place

  • Manufactured in the USA

Grandma Lucy’s Singles Chicken Pet Treats stand out as a high-quality choice for dog owners looking to pamper their pets with something special. Crafted from fresh, freeze-dried chicken without any added hormones, steroids, or antibiotics, these treats promise both purity and palatability. Ideal for dogs with food sensitivities or allergies, they offer a safe snack option that doesn’t compromise on taste or nutritional value. Made in the USA from non-GMO ingredients, these grain-free bites cater to the health-conscious pet owner seeking the best for their furry friend.

Dog lovers will appreciate how these treats support lean muscle maintenance thanks to their high-quality protein content. The ease of serving them—either as a standalone treat or sprinkled over regular meals—adds an enjoyable twist to feeding routines, enticing even the pickiest eaters. Anecdotes from satisfied customers highlight scenarios where Grandma Lucy’s Singles have transformed meal times into exciting events, encouraging healthier eating habits among pets accustomed to mundane diets. By choosing Grandma Lucy’s Singles Chicken Pet Treats, dog owners not only show love but also reinforce a commitment to their pet’s well-being through carefully selected snacks.


  • Made with high-quality, non-GMO ingredients

  • Freeze dried to lock in natural flavors and nutrients

  • Grain-free for easy digestion

  • Produced in the USA for optimal safety and quality


  • Can be pricey compared to other pet treats

  • Some pets may not like the taste or texture

  • The quantity in the pack may run out quickly for larger pets

Ideal for pet owners seeking high-quality, non-GMO treats made with freeze-dried, grain-free ingredients. Made in the USA, Grandma Lucy’s Singles Chicken Pet Treats are perfect for those who value the trust and care about their furry friend’s health. Give your pet the best – try them out today!


Q: What is freeze dried dog food?

A: Freeze-dried dog food is a type of dog food that has been preserved through a freeze-drying process which removes moisture without cooking the ingredients.

Q: Is Grandma Lucy’s an artisan dry dog food brand?

A: Yes, Grandma Lucy’s is known for its artisan dog food made with high-quality ingredients.

Q: Why is grain-free dog food popular?

A: Grain-free dog food has become popular as it eliminates common allergens and focuses on providing more protein-rich ingredients for dogs.

Q: How can I rehydrate dehydrated dog food?

A: To rehydrate dehydrated dog food, simply add warm water to the food and let it sit for a few minutes until it reaches the desired consistency.

Q: Where can I find helpful customer reviews for dog food?

A: You can find helpful customer reviews for dog food on websites like

Q: What is the difference between freeze-dried and dehydrated food?

A: Freeze-dried dog food undergoes a freeze-drying process to preserve nutrients, while dehydrated dog food is dried at a lower temperature over an extended period of time.

Q: Why is it important to choose grain-free and freeze-dried dog food?

A: Grain-free and freeze-dried dog food can be beneficial for dogs with allergies or sensitivities, and the freeze-drying process helps retain more nutrients in the food.


For dog owners aiming to give their furry friends the best, Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Dog Food and PureFormance Dog Food stand out. These top picks offer high-quality, freeze-dried nutrition that’s easy to prepare and full of flavor.

With these excellent choices, you can give your dog the benefit of a balanced diet. They deserve the wholesome goodness packed in every bite!

About the Author

Tanja lives in Norwich, UK, with her two young Labradors, Inka and Jetson. Both dogs are super active and love to fill up on tasty dinners to keep them fuelled up for their adventures. However, Inka has a grain allergy, so her diet has to be tailored appropriately.

Tanja is always on the lookout for tasty grain-free alternatives, while supporting her close-knit canine community with their dogs' diets and lifestyles, too.

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